If you are reading this blog, you are probably a woman over 60 or there abouts. You have lived through life’s ups and downs and are either happily married in or near retirement or you are on your own because you are widowed, divorced, or never married. Time may have taken its toll on your body, which is natural, and you may not feel as attractive or as well as you were in the past.
It’s easy to give up on your hopes and dreams at this point. In truth, women in their 60s are not that old compared to our mothers or grandmothers when they were our age. Many of our ancestors never reached their 60s but with modern medicine all that has changed.
I was searching for questions women over 60 ask on the internet as research for the blog, and one that popped up was, “When is a woman considered to be old?” The answer was a surprising “73” which is way too young in my opinion. There are plenty of active and vibrant women in their 70s and even well into their 80s.
What makes a woman over 60 appear younger than her counterparts? It may be that she has stopped doing the following 10 things.
1. She stopped sitting on her ass
Active older women who appear younger dedicate a portion of their day to moving their bodies in some way. It may be as simple as a morning or evening walk. Or they might swim, play tennis, ride a bike, take a movement class, or work in their garden.
It doesn’t matter how you choose to exercise as long as you get some type of fitness activity in during the day. If you have become sedentary, for whatever reason, start moving your body slowly. Walk around your cul de sac, go up and down a short set of stairs, or take a 15-minute exercise class on TV. A simple trick like parking at the end of the parking lot rather than near a handicapped zone will add extra steps. Once you start moving regularly increase the time you are doing it gradually. Have a friend join you to stay accountable to each other.
When you move your body daily your aches and pains will begin to decrease, you’ll become more flexible, and your blood pressure and breathing will improve.
2. She stopped losing control over her weight
Packing on extra pounds with age is common. Stress and emotional eating have a nasty habit of causing weight gain in older women that is difficult to get rid of. It happened to me so you’re not alone. But for health reasons, the last thing you want to do as a woman over 60 is to become morbidly obese.
Start with embracing smart eating habits. Get rid of all your processed food, microwave easy-to-serve meals, sugary desserts, soda pop, or anything that has a list of artificial ingredients. Eat enough protein like chicken and fish or a plant-based alternative as well as plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains. Women over 60 need protein, fiber, and calcium-rich food to stay healthy and prevent bone loss.
You also need to be wary of “healthy foods” that are high in fat. That includes cooking oils, avocados, cheese, and nuts. They are all nutritious, but you can go overboard and eat too much of them. That doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself, as long as you practice portion control. Exercise will not help you lose weight at this age but will keep you healthier overall. Losing weight only works when you eat less than you burn.
A trick I learned to drop extra pounds is to quit wearing pants or skirts with elastic waistbands or loose-fitting dresses. You should also weigh yourself on a scale at least once a week, eat on small plates, and resist buying tempting treats like cookies or cake. You don’t need a special diet plan if you follow these simple rules. However, a free app like My Fitness Pal will help you stay accountable to yourself.
3. She stopped isolating herself from her family and friends
The COVID pandemic was deadly not only because the disease was dangerous but also because it kept us in our homes away from family and friends. The lockdowns were necessary precautions, but they took a toll on how we interact with others. When you become isolated from your social circle you can easily become depressed, lose your self-esteem, or feel irrelevant.
Make an extra effort to stay in touch with those you love or get out of your comfort zone and meet new friends Join Meetup to find people who share the same interests as yours in your local area.
If you are single and ready to jump into the dating field, there is eHarmony.com or other dating apps.
4. She stopped avoiding vaccinations and regular medical checkups
As we age, our immunity to dangerous diseases gets weaker. It’s imperative to take every precaution including getting vaccines and boosters that include pneumonia, shingles, and flu shots. Why take chances unnecessarily?
It is also essential that you schedule routine checkups for blood workups, colon tests, mammograms, bone density scans, stress tests, and dental and vision care. A rotten tooth can impact your overall health and even cause a heart attack so make sure to get regular exams and cleanings. Once you are over 65, Medicare will pay for many of these screenings so find a plan that works for you.
5. She stopped depending only on doctors to stay healthy
Monitoring your health at home is also critical. Our ancestors did not have the wearables we do today. Always have a thermometer and a blood pressure cuff, on hand at the very least. You might want to purchase a smartwatch to track your heart rate, steps, sleep patterns, and stress levels. If something appears to be abnormal, check with your doctor immediately.
6. She stopped drinking to excess, quit smoking, and refused unnecessary narcotics
Substance abuse is a slow and steady method of suicide and is common among Baby Boomers. If you partied hard when you were younger and are still doing it now it can impact your relationships and have tragic results. Even casual drinking and drug use can take a toll on your health. Alcohol, drugs, and smoking have been proven to cause cancer. Passing secondhand smoke to others puts them in danger as well.
Some women over 60 take narcotics to sleep better, control pain, and even relieve menopausal symptoms. Drug dependence will exacerbate rather than relieve those problems. If you are abusing substances even in a moderate way, get help before it is too late. I lived with an alcoholic for 15 years. He died of cancer and I am certain it could have been avoided if he hadn’t been drinking heavily.
7. She stopped trying to please everyone
We were born during a time when women were taught to be subservient to men, and, despite the women’s movement, we often times consciously or unconsciously put ourselves last.
Age gives us the opportunity for more freedom, but we don’t always take advantage of it. A good example is feeling pressured to babysit your grandchildren when you would rather be out exploring the world. Or, you think your time for other opportunities is over because you are of a certain age. As women, we must learn to say no if it does not serve our wishes and realize life doesn’t have to stop just because we are older.
Do what you love and do it with abandon.
8. She stopped living in the past
Is your profile picture you when you were in high school, or a flower, or a photo of your dog rather than you as you are today? Are you constantly looking back at your younger days or wishing you had the marvelous figure you did when you were 20 or 30? We are all guilty of that.
Realize you are just as fabulous at 60 plus as you were back then. You are probably even more fabulous because of all the experiences you’ve had. Be proud of yourself as you are now and never stop learning and pursuing your dreams.
9. She stopped berating herself thinking she was unlovable or unsexy
Lady, you vibrate love and radiate sexiness. Did you have negative sexual experiences in the past or feel you are withering on the vine? It’s time to get over it. If you are looking for love, there is someone out there who will appreciate you as you are now.
You can also do anything you want in this world on your own without a partner if that is what you desire. Remember the words of Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live.
I am good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
Stuart Smalley
10. She stopped being afraid of shaking things up
Change for many older women is a scary thought. However, it is inevitable, and you need to embrace it as an opportunity rather than a detriment. Women over 60 can turn their lives around on a dime if they accept change as a natural occurrence.
There is no reason you must live in the same house forever or be with the same partner if they do not serve you anymore. Pick up and move to Portugal if you want or dance in the rain naked as long as you don’t get arrested. Let go of whatever is holding you back from fulfilling your dreams and desires and go for what you want full out.
What have you stopped doing that is making your life better? Please leave a comment below.
I love all these reminders, Rebecca. Glad to report I do most of them. Recently I stopped drinking wine every night with my husband (who loves wine). I now just drink two nights a week and see a huge difference in my energy and even weight. Too many extra calories.
That’s great to know that you agree, Laurie. I’m with you on the wine too. I usually only drink at a party or on the weekend. But, now I’m up in Napa for a couple of weeks, so that may change. LOL
I love this empowering post, Rebecca!
Thanks, Carol. I’m so glad you think so.
Great reminders. And, as a child of older parents who were 42 when I was born, I always considered old to be 10 years older than they were. So it was a fluid number for me until my mother died at 99. Now I know that old is 109.
99 is a pretty good run, Jennifer! I like that.