Many Baby Boomers are now considered ‘empty nesters’. If your children are grown up and gone, with families of their own, you might be thinking about relocating to a smaller place where you can enjoy retirement. In fact, 36% of Boomers will move or plan to move when they become empty nesters. But relocating comes with its own set of challenges. One study found that 6 out … [Read more...]
How to Cope When You’re Stuck at Home For a Long Time
During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people found themselves under a “stay at home” order. In the United States, over 200 million people had to remain under some type of lockdown for weeks. For others, being stuck at home didn't feel like such a big change, especially those with health conditions or other underlying factors that made it difficult to get out anyway. Being … [Read more...]
Retirement Relocation Tips: Is a Big Move Right for You?
If you’ve recently retired, or plan to in the future, you may be considering moving to a new part of the state, country, or world to spend the remainder of your years in your dream location. However, retirement relocation isn’t something to do quickly or rashly. There’s much to consider, from where you’ll move and live, to how you’ll spend your days and make your … [Read more...]
How to Sell Your Possessions to Unclutter Your Life
Ever since the financial crisis of 2008, I moved from a 2500 square foot home to a 1450 square foot mobile home, to a 900 square foot apartment, a 10 x 10 room in someone’s house, and finally an ADU with a roommate. (Yes, I know it was insane.) Each time, I’ve had to sell possessions, so I wouldn't clutter up my living space. I've moved 28 times in my lifetime so I'm used to … [Read more...]
Seniors Need to be Aware of Rental Scams: Here’s Why
Are you a senior looking for a place to rent? It can be dicey for anyone at any age especially if you're looking online. Rental scams are all over the Internet and if you don't watch out, you can lose a chunk of your retirement income. I was looking for an apartment to rent in Los Angeles, which is #8 on the list of the most expensive cities to live in according to … [Read more...]