If you are a member of the Baby Boomer generation, you are in your 60s or 70s. As a woman of this age, you have experienced the ups and downs of life that may have affected how you feel about relationships, health, family, or finances. I’m sure you have had wonderful times but experienced challenging moments, It’s all part of this great journey we call life, right?
Now that you’ve clocked in decades and gained wisdom from your experiences, what are you looking for in life now that you are over 60?
I did some research and found a few things that women want as they grow older. We all come from different circumstances in life which may make it more difficult to achieve for some, but many of our hopes and dreams are universal.
Watch this video where I discuss what women want over 60
Click on the player below.
Women over 60 want passion in their lives
Having passion when you are older doesn’t always mean a romantic relationship. Some of us who have lost partners by death or divorce are not necessarily pining away for someone else to share our lives with. We aren’t swiping prospects on dating apps or having panic attacks because we are alone. If someone comes into our lives that sparks a flame that’s wonderful but women over 60 find passion in other ways.
You may have a hobby you love, are still pursuing your career, or adore being a grandmother. It could also be travel, knitting, or playing pickleball. Whatever gives you joy and a reason to live is a passion you can pursue on a grand scale now that you are older and have more freedom.
That segues into having a purpose
Being here on this Earth for a reason is a way to stay alive and happy. Your purpose doesn’t have to be lofty like trying to save the world. It can be small like helping others out in some way or working to improve yourself to be a better person.
They seek others who swim in the same pool as they do
Very few of us enjoy being completely alone. We want to be part of a tribe that shares our interests. It may only be a few friends or a large social circle. Women tend to thrive with other women and seek them out for support and connection. Joining groups on Meetup is a great way to find people who support you and share your interests. You could also join a community theater if you like acting and performing, a sewing circle, or work with a volunteer organization.
Wellness is everything when you are older
We can’t always avoid health challenges but do our best to stay healthy. That means eating smart and staying active. If you can keep yourself moving and grooving as you age your quality of life will improve. Self-care is important too. Take time to relax, take care of your skin and hair, meditate, and pamper yourself
They feel good about who they are
Sometimes it’s hard to feel good in your skin if you compare yourself to others. As we age, we get gray hair, gain weight, develop wrinkles, and have aches and pains. Our twenties are gone forever but we can embrace aging, be proud of it, and be happy in what makes us unique and special.
Throw away the rules and radiate your essence.
They want peace and tranquility in relationships
It doesn’t matter if you are seeking a love relationship or choosing friends, older women want to be appreciated and be around those who are kind and friendly.
No one wants to be with anyone who is constantly rude, complains all the time, is miserable, or manipulative. Instead, spend time with those who make you laugh, and are loving, honest, motivating, and good company.
As Snagglepuss would say, exit stage left from toxic people. They are not worth the air space. Life is too short to deal with them, especially when you are old.
They want a connection with family
Many women in our generation chose not to have children which is fine. You may not have children or grandchildren to help you as you age, but other family members are important to stay in touch with. They may not even be your biological family, especially if you do not have anyone left. You can create YOUR family by connecting with people who care about you. Cherish them and do not let them fade into the background.
Oh yes, more wine
A glass or two never hurt anyone, right ladies?
What do you want in life as a woman over 60? Please leave a comment below.
Such great advice, Rebecca, especially about finding passion. I love that.
Thanks, Laurie. Being passionate about something is so important.
I’m finding, for the first time, that I lack motivation. I love the idea of finding a passion that segues into a purpose!
When you do that, it makes it so much easier to stay motivated, Diane.
I love that idea, too, but how do you find it? After years (decades!) of putting other people first, I don’t know what I want anymore.
That’s a great question, Brenda. Now it’s time to put you first. Really dig deep and write down a list of what gives you joy. It could be something simple like starting a hobby or maybe gardening. Then, go from there.
great summary Rebecca. I want good health, because health issues limit activity. And I want the energy to do all the things I want to do!
You are so right about health. Without it it’s difficult to do anything else.
I have a certain self-confidence at this age that eluded me in my youth.
That’s good that you have it Carol.