Have you ever had aches and pains occur for absolutely no reason? This can be a daily occurrence as we get older. Sometimes, you may feel pain in one part of your body and then it moves to another part the next day. This is all part of aging but it can also be frustrating.
I’m not a doctor and only know what has worked for me to relieve everyday aches and pains. If they are severe or strange ALWAYS check with your doctor first. In this post I want to address the types of pains you get from sleeping wrong, stepping on something awkwardly, or those that come and go that can’t be explained.
Some degree of arthritis is inevitable in most older people
Very few of us escape arthritis although some of us may have it worse than others. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are more than 100 types of the disease and it is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Even mild cases are annoying and may make you feel older than you are.
Arthritis can flare up unexpectedly. For instance, I was pet sitting for my brother and was sleeping with two standard poodles and a cat in a Queen size bed. I don’t know how my brother and my sister-in-law manage it because the poodles never moved an inch when I tried to roll over. As cuddly as they were, I soon noticed twinges in various parts of my body when I was up and about.
It started with a pain in the top of my foot, then moved to one of my knees, and then my whole body. After a while, I began to feel better and the pain went away.
Random pains happen from time to time
I have found that exercise such as walking relieves most of my aches and pains. It also helps regulate your heart rate and blood pressure.
I wish my mother knew this
When my mother was young, she was fairly active but as a dressmaker, she became glued to her sewing machine. Consequently, she suffered from arthritis to the point it was difficult for her to move at all in later life. She lived to be 89 but could have had more comfort if she stayed more active.
Our society encourages sedentary living
If we aren’t sitting at a computer, we are often watching TV or sitting around doing nothing. Sitting for long periods of time can cause you to get random aches and pains. If you work at home or spend too much time sitting, take frequent breaks to move around, at least once every 20-30 minutes.
Sometimes the wrong exercises cause needless pain
I developed a trigger finger in my right thumb from digging holes in my garden. It wouldn’t have happened if I was younger but that single action made it so I couldn’t bend my thumb back and had to get a cortisone shot.
While strength training is important and vital for bone health, you may want to exchange your heavy weights for lighter ones or use resistance bands. Too much strain, especially without a trainer looking on, can cause painful injury.
Avoid doing exercises such as knee bends, squats with dumbbells, abdominal crunches, or high-intensity interval training unless you start very slowly or are under supervision. Attempt them only if you are in excellent condition.
What to do when aches and pains occur
Pain can’t always be avoided but it is important to avoid dependence on pain pills.
ALWAYS check with your doctor if your aches and pains are severe or concerning.
Try using a soothing salve like Tiger Balm or other arthritis pain relievers. Soak painful areas with Epsom salts or apply ice.
Rest when you need to. Don’t try to be a hero and do more than is necessary.
Keep moving as much as possible even if it is walking back and forth across a room. Stretching exercises like easy yoga moves may also help. Do not do yoga exercises that could possibly harm you like standing on your head unless you have been doing it for some time.
Treat yourself to a therapeutic massage if you can.
Learn to relax and reduce your stress level as anxiety can spur falls and other accidents.
Be extra careful going up and down stairs. Always hold on to the handrail.
Wear comfortable and sturdy shoes so you don’t trip or twist your ankle.
Do not get distracted when you walk by looking at your phone or off in the distance. I once tripped on a dried-up burr from a tree that fell on the ground.
Be extra careful standing on step stools or ladders and do not do it if you have balance issues or dizziness. Balance exercises are essential as you age.
Many aches and pains develop by sleeping in a bed that isn’t properly supported. You may need to firm up your mattress with a sturdy bedboard or mattress topper. And, avoid sleeping with large poodles. LOL
There are red light therapy devices that ease pain without drugs.
Do you get weird aches and pains once in a while? What do you do to feel better? Please leave a comment below.
I developed arthritis in my back after having my car rear-ended. That was 7 years ago and unfortunately, I’m still paying the price. It took over a year of chiropractic work to get me to a place where I could walk a bit before being in too much pain. Once the pain starts I have to sit for a minute or two and then can start again. I will say, though that cortisone shots in my knees are wonderful. Eventually, I’ll need knee replacements but for now, the cortisone shots are getting the job done.
Sorry to hear that Jennifer. Even a slight car incident can certainly trigger it. I hope it starts to feel better.