Women aged 50 and over have specific needs when it comes to who manages their finances. But an adviser that a twenty-something would choose may not be ideal for a 50, 60, or 70-year-old woman. In the same way, an adviser for a 60-year-old man may not be appropriate for a woman of the same age. Let’s take a quick look at exactly what women 50+ should be looking for in a … [Read more...]
A Guide to Pet Ownership for Seniors
Every pet owner can attest to this - having furry animals around can make people happier, even some studies have shown that people who have pets are likely to have lower stress levels, decreased feelings of loneliness, and better health overall. Here's a guide about pet ownership for seniors. We'll talk about the amazing benefits of owning a pet and how people can choose the … [Read more...]
Tips to Jump-Start Real Estate Investing as a Retirement Plan
There was a time when retirement took a familiar form for most people. Until relatively recently, most retirees were expected to stop work altogether and slow down the pace of life. But this doesn’t really reflect the current reality. Only around 38% of Boomers expect to receive a pension and even with a Social Security check, most don’t have enough income to be … [Read more...]
Do You Have a Fear of Driving Now That You’re Older?
Fear of driving, also known as Vehophobia, is hard at any age, but it may become even scarier as you grow older. You might find yourself having panic attacks while you are on the road that you never had previously, and they can be terrifying. There are many reasons that people develop a phobia for driving that have nothing to do with trauma from previous accidents. I noticed … [Read more...]
The Space in Between: An Empath’s Field Guide
One of the blurbs offered for my book The Space in Between: An Empath’s Field Guide generously states that I “put words to the wordless,” which honestly, was the most gratifying praise I could have received. It also partly explains why it took me so long to write my book—nearly ten years of countless revisions, exploring how to articulate my intuitive sensory existence. For … [Read more...]