There are two key things in life that seem to inherently become difficult as we age and particularly once we pass 50. (Well, okay, there might be more than 2 things that become more difficult ... but I'm only discussing two). Let's face it, for many of us, Redefining Your Day Many people are consumed with the responsibilities of family and jobs and in some cases, … [Read more...]
How to Cope When You’re Stuck at Home For a Long Time
During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people found themselves under a “stay at home” order. In the United States, over 200 million people had to remain under some type of lockdown for weeks. For others, being stuck at home didn't feel like such a big change, especially those with health conditions or other underlying factors that made it difficult to get out anyway. Being … [Read more...]
How to Enjoy the Benefits of Walking Uphill For Better Aging
Moving into our new home was a delight. On clear days the views across the sea and the bay were breathtaking. I thought about how lucky I was. The practicality of day to day living soon struck home when I realized that whichever way I walked outside the gate meant I was going downhill. Which is fine, but of course, walking home meant a trudge uphill. The shop is only 15 … [Read more...]
8 Reasons Walking Daily Will Add Years to Your Life
I watched my parents decline as they moved into their late 80s and it made me realize the importance of maintaining mobility as we age. Once an older person is sitting all day or confined to a walker or wheelchair, they begin to deteriorate rapidly. It's always sad seeing people who are much younger riding scooters in stores. Some have legitimate reasons like a … [Read more...]
Why is a Bone Density Scan a MUST for Women Over 50?
I had my bone density scan, which is recommended for women 50+. It’s a quick and easy low-radiation test that takes no more than 10 minutes to complete but it’s so important for our age. My scan indicated that I have Osteopenia. That sounds ominous, but it’s just a scary-sounding name for some bone loss, which is not uncommon for a woman over 65 like me. A visit to Amgen … [Read more...]