We are still not out of the woods yet, but it is looking more hopeful. Wait! Have we heard that one before? The Best of Boomer Blogs bloggers have been writing about an array of topics mostly about dealing with stuff like the weather, the pandemic, retirement, loss, motivation, and even the lack of chocolate in the house. Enjoy our latest posts. The weather has been … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Getting Into the Holiday Spirit
Our Baby Boomer bloggers are deep into thinking about the holidays with only 2 weeks left until Christmas. They are discussing shopping ideas, food, and spending money. But the ever-present COVID situation is still in the background causing us to tweak how we celebrate. So, let’s first address the elephant in the room or the elf on the shelf Tom from Sightings Over Sixty … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: What October is all About
October is a special month of Halloween celebrations, Day of the Dead, pumpkins, and autumn leaves. But did you know it’s also Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Family History Month, Gourmet Adventures Month, National Apple Month, and National Pretzel Month? For a full list of what we honor in October, click here. Our Baby Boomer bloggers are in full … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: The 20th Anniversary of 9-11 and Other Thoughts
During the summer of 1972, I took the elevator up to the top floor of one of the Twin Towers in NYC with my girlfriend and aunt. I don’t think the windows on that floor were installed and the building wasn’t officially open yet. The complex opened in April 1973. I was 18 years old, which was the drinking age in New York City at that time. As I gazed down at what seemed … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: August Summer Daze
We’re in the lazy summer daze and August is already here! Two of our bloggers, Jennifer and Tom are taking a short break but we have a brand-new Boomer blogger to add to our roundups. I’ll let her introduce herself. Meet Diane Hello everyone! My name is Diane Stringam Tolley and my blog, On the Border, and I are breathlessly happy to be joining this amazing group … [Read more...]