Social isolation is defined as a lack of social contacts and having few people to interact with regularly. During the pandemic people who networked or visited regularly with family or friends were restricted in their interactions causing many to lose touch for a while. There is a difference between loneliness and social isolation. When you are lonely, you are in fear or … [Read more...]
Understanding Gender Identity Terms for People Over 50
I admit I feel old when it comes to the new gender identity pronouns that people are attaching to their online and offline profiles. He/him, She/Her, They/Them. To those of us who grew up with “him” and “her”, it can sometimes be confusing. I’ve been a voice actor for 40 years and have been involved with theatre and film folks all my life. A person’s sexual orientation never … [Read more...]
How to Apply Your Superpowers Toward a Good Cause In Retirement | Book
Retirement is a lovely time. Being with friends, starting new hobbies, traveling. It is also a time when you can focus attention on a cause important to you. So, why not apply your superpowers to the cause closest to your heart? Yes, you have superpowers. Everyone has them. They may not be as cool as spidey senses or telekinesis, but they can be a powerful force for … [Read more...]
“The Queen of Second Chances” and Interview with Author DM Barr
Imagine being a young realtor told to infiltrate a senior center to convince the elderly to downsize or sell their homes. That’s the premise of “The Queen of Second Chances” by DM Barr. I interviewed the author, DM Barr, in the video below. Please watch it by clicking the player below. For more fun interviews click here. “The Queen of Second Chances” is a … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know About Downsizing and Upsizing Your Home
Most people associate getting older with downsizing. The kids have “flown the coop,” and you might want less house to have to deal with or pay for. But, according to a recent CNBC article, many Baby Boomers are upgrading their homes instead of downsizing. There are plenty of reasons why, from the recent pandemic to changes in spending habits. But, the trend is starting to … [Read more...]