Making yourself a priority can seem challenging in the hectic world of work, errands, bills, and the general responsibilities we encounter day to day. As life keeps you busy, you might find yourself only checking into a doctor’s office when something is wrong. This can be a dangerous habit to get into — especially as you get older. Taking the time to utilize the preventative … [Read more...]
What Benefits Are Not Covered by Medicare?
Medical coverage for Baby Boomers is an important discussion when it comes time to start using Medicare. Knowing your coverage is essential if you are going to plan for your overall health in the future. While Medicare will take care of your basic medical expenses now, there are some benefits not covered by Medicare. Certain services always come up in the conversation about … [Read more...]
Why Medication Adherence Needs to Be Taken Seriously
As Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) enter retirement and the Medicare system, developing chronic conditions, related to aging, is a primary concern. Even though many of us do whatever we can to stay healthy – eat well - stay active - a good portion take one or more medications. Medication adherence is key to overall health and wellness but isn’t always … [Read more...]
Medicare Overseas Travel Coverage: What You Need to Know
Baby Boomers are getting Medicare overseas travel coverage by signing up for a Medigap or Medicare Supplement plan. You may be surprised to know that Medicare by itself does not cover most expenses outside of the United States. There are many reasons why Original Medicare beneficiaries choose to invest in additional coverage, especially when traveling is a priority. Many … [Read more...]
2 Simple Steps To Help Baby Boomers Fight Obesity
We all know that losing weight isn't easy, especially as we age. Even if you were diligent about your exercise routine in your youth, you might still find yourself becoming heavier as you age, despite your best efforts. Obesity is becoming a common problem among all age groups, particularly for the Baby Boomer population. More than one-third of adults over 65 are considered to … [Read more...]