Senior adults are taking classes online as much as their younger counterparts. They may be trying to complete a degree they never had a chance to finish, advance their credentials, or indulge in their favorite hobbies. It can feel awkward when you're the oldest student in the class, and that's why online learning sites have become popular among older people to promote lifelong … [Read more...]
How Learning Languages May Help Delay Dementia
The World Health Organization reports that there are almost 55 million people worldwide with dementia, a progressive condition that affects memory and behavior, and that number is steadily increasing. The disease creates a huge strain on those who suffer from it, their families and caregivers, and society, costing an estimated $1313 billion per year in 2019 in the U.S. … [Read more...]
Do You Have Regrets For Mistakes in the Past?
There are a few things I’ve done in my almost 7 decades on the planet that were completely boneheaded. No one gets through life with a perfect score and I’m certainly one of them. I have regrets but realize that my mistakes were part of my journey. I’m sure I’ll make more. Here are just a few of the things I'd like to kick myself for. I didn't take school seriously … [Read more...]
College Senior? Going Back to School When You’re Over 50
Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see older individuals and retirees attending college and seeking out new and different degrees. Some simply want to be “lifelong learners” and focus on their overall growth and wellbeing. Others may want to earn more credits or certifications for a specific career path. Whatever the reason, it’s never too late to go back to school at any age … [Read more...]
Why Now Is the Time to Consider Giving Yourself a Life Makeover
One positive thing the COVID pandemic did was make people realize that there is no time like the present. If you’re retired or nearing retirement, you might be thinking about “what’s next.” You may also want to consider giving yourself a life makeover and look at the things you really want in the coming stages of your life. It's safe to say that the pandemic changed the … [Read more...]