I was watching TV and a segment came on ABC News that suggested that people rethink juicing. It caught my attention. Juicing has been promoted to those who are health conscious as a miracle way to quickly lose weight or as an anti-aging formula rich in antioxidants.
But here are reasons why you may want to rethink juicing.
1. You lose all the fiber
According to registered dietitian Susan Dopart, all that happens when you pulverize fruits and vegetables in your juicer is that you get a blast of carbohydrates that turn into sugar. “Juicing takes all the fiber out of foods so all that is left are the carbs,” says Dopart, “If you’re consuming 240 grams of unopposed carbohydrate, it’s equal to 15-16 slices of bread.”
When you juice 1 apple, 1 carrot, and a bunch of spinach, the carb count is approximately 100 grams. That’s like eating 7 slices of bread. If you combine kale (the popular superfood) and grapes it’s like eating 8 slices of bread.
The U.S. Institute of Medicine – fiber requirements recommend that women over 50 consume 21 grams of fiber every day. Fiber helps calm and prevent ailments like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, and colon cancer. It regulates blood sugar levels and controls hunger.
2. You will miss vital nutrients
The other problem with juicing is that plants have a chemical in them called phytate that interferes with the absorption of nutrients like calcium, zinc, and iron in your digestive tract. When you drink a large glass of juiced fruits or vegetables, you may find yourself lacking in important minerals. In other words, it’s better to eat your apple a day rather than drink apple juice.
A dentist friend of mine told me it’s also important for people to chew their food rather than drink it because it helps them digest it better.
Rethink juicing and try a smoothie instead
If you’re still a big fan of juicing, Dopart has a suggestion. “A better solution would be to have a smoothie that contains unsweetened almond milk, flaxseed, maybe one vegetable, one fruit, and a little bit of protein powder. Combine some sort of protein and fat in your smoothie for a better nutritional mix.”
Watch this video for more information on why you may want to rethink juicing:
Photo courtesy of Fadi Habib
Make a quick smoothie instead with a Magic Bullet Blender on Amazon, here.
How do you feel about juicing? Please leave a comment below.

Aloha beauty Rebecca, Love you and your Baby Boomster, however I have to disagree with ABC News!….I have a completely opposite views regarding reasons to juice. “I give different guidance on this depending on the person and their blood sugar issues. Call me if you want to know what’s right for YOU!” Michele the Trainer 877-409-1758
Carbs from plants are not the same as carbs from bread!!!
Vegetable juice solves the issue of absorption. Vegetables with minerals, of course, will give you more minerals. Most organics have more minerals due to higher soil quality. Makes sense yes?
I recommend juicing vegetables, but not fruit, because fruit juice is generally too much sugar with no fiber. Your dental friend is spot on regarding fiber, especially with fruit. That said, here’s a summer recipe for you that is still healthier than soda or high fructose corn syrup. A smoothie retains some fiber. There are ways to improve this drink as well. If anyone has any questions or commments I’m here for you!
Thanks Michelle. It’s great to get other opinions about this. Just because something is on the news does not make it entirely accurate. By the way, Michelle is a great trainer in the Los Angeles area butshe will also give you great advice no matter where you live. Looks Delicious!
No matter what anyone of you out there decides about how to juice, it’s a heck of a lot better than eating Fritos and Diet Coke.
I recently started juicing and watched the moves fat sick and nearly dead and forks over knives that prompted me to give juicing a try. One of the things these movies mention that I don’t think the news took into account is if you are juicing and consuming for vegetables you are eating less processed and fattening foods. The benefits alone of Juicing replacing the average persons intake of processed foods is far greater than possibility of increasing your carbs by drinking the vegetable instead of eating it
I agree that people who juice are eating more natural and less processed food which is good, but sometimes they are actually consuming lots of sugar. This is especially true if the blend contains a large portion of fruits rather than vegetables. Also, when talking to a dentist friend of mine, she brought up the point that the action of chewing is very important for digestion. Your saliva contains digestive enzymes that help to break down fat. Chewing also keeps your teeth healthier. I’m not a big juicer myself mainly because I like to enjoy the flavors and textures of a meal. It’s the foodie in me. However, I love a great gazpacho anytime. If you like to juice, I say go for it, but be aware of what types of ingredients you’re combining Check the labels on protein powders, milks (including almond or soy) and other ingredients you might add for not on sugar but also chemical additives. An apple is loaded with fiber, but the fiber is lost once it’s been pulverized.
What I did after I undergone surgery and rested, gained weight is drinking a lot of carrot juice + Lemon in the morning and afternoon and of course I go jogging every other day. It works..Just sharing my thoughts Rebecca.
Hi Isaac. Good for you and glad it’s working. Just make sure you get plenty of fiber which you lose from juicing. Great that you’re jogging too. Thanks so much for sharing.