Dr. Tara Allmen, MD is the author of Menopause Confidential. She's a New York City gynecologist who specializes in vaginal health for women over 40. When I spoke to her, she gave me some enlightening tips for menopausal women. (which she says, never really ends) Her book is written with a sense of humor and has fun chapter names like: But it's also thoroughly … [Read more...]
Sex After Menopause: Tips on Sexual Maintenance
A while back I appeared on a webcast hosted by Vibrant Nation called Sex After Menopause. A group of women over 50, including me, participated in a panel with noted women's health expert Dr. Barb DePree M.D. In the video at the bottom of this post, you can watch our panel as we share stories, ask questions, and listen as Dr. DePree enlightened us about sex after menopause. … [Read more...]
The Test all Women Need to Diagnose Ovarian Cancer
Have you been putting off your well-woman exams? Did you know that Ovarian cancer is most commonly diagnosed in women over the age of 45? I was feeling bloated so my doctor recommended that I have a pelvic, abdominal, and trans-vaginal ultrasound to make sure there wasn't anything in there that wasn't supposed to be. Also, my"muffin top" made it hard for her to … [Read more...]