First, the bad news. Approximately 5.5 million Americans currently suffer from Alzheimer’s dementia, which accounts for about 70 percent of total dementia cases. The risk of dementia doubles every five years after age 60, rising as high as 50 percent for those over age 85. Alzheimer’s dementia is the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S., and it is the only one among the top … [Read more...]
Why Baby Boomers Must Be Concerned About STDs
As we age and establish ourselves in the world, some of our worries fade. We care less about our appearance, social status, finances, and so on. However, there are other concerns we don’t have the luxury of forgetting about. Nothing exemplifies this point better than the STD crisis affecting the Baby Boomer population. If this statement has you rolling your eyes, consider … [Read more...]
Terry Bradshaw Talks About Pneumococcal Pneumonia | Interview
I previously interviewed singer Patti La Belle who was then promoting the All About Your Boom™ campaign to spread awareness about pneumococcal pneumonia. If there’s one thing Baby Boomers don’t want is for the flu or other virus to turn into pneumonia. In the interview below, I talked to the former pro football player and now broadcaster Terry Bradshaw about the very same … [Read more...]
What Seniors Need to Know to Prevent a Stroke
World Stroke Day is celebrated each year on October 29. Did you know that someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40 seconds, which means almost 800,000 strokes occur each year? Here is what you need to know to prevent a stroke before it happens because it can be devastating. Age is not always a factor A friend had a stroke several years ago and it took her years to … [Read more...]
Patti LaBelle Chats About Preventing Pneumococcal Pneumonia | Interview
Pneumococcal Pneumonia is a disease every Baby Boomer needs to know about. That’s because people over the age of 65 are 13 times more at risk of being hospitalized for it than those who are 50 and younger. It’s also a major cause of death. A while back, I interviewed singer Patti LaBelle who had teamed up with Pfizer to bring awareness to the disease in a campaign. She is … [Read more...]