I needed glasses since the age of six but resisted buying new ones because frames were either expensive or not very attractive. One night, while watching the news, I learned about Warby Parker. It's a company that sells affordable eyewear and gives back to worthy causes. It always feels good to buy products from companies that work with charitable organizations and that … [Read more...]
A Guide For Mature Women On How To Be Photogenic
Whoever said women over 50 should give up their fashion sense and embrace an all-gray-and-lumpy-anything-goes style, obviously had no idea what they were talking about. A mature woman is a queen who’s seen a lot and has learned what suits her character, lifestyle, and soul. She’s been on the fence, she’s been both a failure and a hero; she’s made it through difficult … [Read more...]
Trimdin Reversible Travel Jacket | Fashion Over 50
Do you love a great jacket? I do, especially if it's beautifully made and has a ton of style. But, what's even better is when it's reversible because it can be worn with different color palettes and is perfect when you travel. Trimdin gave me a fabulous reversible jacket to try on and it was just what I was looking for. My love of fine craftsmanship comes from my mother who … [Read more...]