It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was walking the quad of Costa Mesa High School in my mini skirt and go-go boots but this year our 1971 graduating class celebrated our 50-year high school reunion. That’s half a century and just the thought of it seems insane.
I wasn’t what you would call “popular” in high school as I wasn’t a cheerleader, on the drill team, or a member of the student council. Instead, I hung out with the drama “freaks” and acted in all the school plays. Most of my drama friends were a year or two younger than me.
10th Reunion
Each time a reunion rolled around I wasn’t sure I wanted to attend. I went to our 10th reunion with my late husband and purposely wore a flamboyant outfit just to be different. My high school was in conservative Orange County, and I had been living in LA since the mid-70s, fully entrenched in the film industry.
I was shocked at how many of my classmates gained weight and looked older even though 10 years out of high school hardly made them ancient. Some already had teenage children because they had shotgun weddings at age 16. I was still acting on stage and my kids didn’t come along until a few years later.
30th Reunion
The next reunion I attended was our 30th and it was a month after my husband died at age 49 from a brain tumor. A girlfriend I knew from high school came with me W had just spent a week in Hawaii with my pre-teen kids to relax after the trauma. The event took place at the Balboa Pavilion in Newport Beach, where I got married 23 years before.
We all sat at tables, but I was disappointed there wasn’t a presentation. I was expecting to hear about everyone’s accomplishments but instead, we spent the evening chatting with the people we were sitting with. The husband of one of my classmates crudely tried to pick me up. I felt sorry for her and didn’t know if she knew he was such a pig.
There was a memorial poster with a list of our classmates who had died over the years. A few guys had met their demise in Vietnam, some died of disease, and a few overdosed because drugs were a big thing when we were young. Kansas City Royal’s pitcher Dan Quisenberry was one of them.
40th Reunion
By the time our 40th reunion rolled around a few classmates were on Facebook and started a reunion group for our class. People who I never hung out with in school suddenly became friends and it was fun hearing about what they were up to. I had put on more than a few pounds and, being an actress, was vain so I didn’t want to show off my flab.
I had to move out of my (2008 debacle) foreclosed home the weekend of the reunion so I used that as an excuse to skip it.
50th High School Reunion
More classmates joined our Facebook group by the time our 50th reunion came around and a few that I hung out with in high school were going to be there. I was a little afraid the political situation would make it awkward and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go.
COVID was still an issue so our event venue went from a country club to a local restaurant with only about 30 people slated to attend. I decided at the last minute to go and was really excited when I found out my best friend from middle school and high school was going to be there.
We hadn’t seen each other in over 40 years due to life happenings, moves, distance, and the fact that I’m lousy at keeping in touch. She was still living in the same home she grew up in. I’ve moved 28 times in my lifetime.
When I saw her, it was like 40 years had never gone by and we reminisced about all the fun times we had together. My group of “true friends” sat smack in the middle of the table, so we didn’t feel like wallflowers as we had in high school.

One classmate arrived who had been an NFL football player for the Lions, Saints, Vikings, and Chargers. He later became a stand-up comedian and was one of our success stories.
Beach memories
I drove to the reunion from Los Angeles to the OC reluctantly because I was scheduled to have cataract surgery” eyes soon and my eyes were too blurry to enjoy driving. I stayed overnight at a hotel so I didn’t have to drive back at night. The next morning, I visited my teenage stomping grounds in Newport Beach for some sea air and the courage to drive home with my cloudy aging eyes.

My high school reunion was a blast and I was grateful to see my friends again. I also want to thank Facebook for bringing together both my “true high school friends” and the “popular kids” I never hung out with who are now friends online.
Have you attended any of your high school reunions? What were they like? Or why did you skip them? Please, leave a comment below.
Mine was in ’19. I didn’t go. So many reasons why.
I totally understand why, Carol. They can be weird.
I’ve been to several even though I’m an out-of-towner. The last was the 40th. 50th is around the corner.
I hope you have fun at your next one Pennie. Nice that you’ve gone.
I love this!! You look so happy. You’ve been traveling, you’re living your life. BLESSINGS, Beth
Yes, I’m having fun Beth! I’m not one to wallow in pity. Life is to enjoy.
I’m so glad you attend!
Our last one was #22. I had an absolutel blast, though it was a real low time for Husby and me. I tried to organize a 40th but had no takers. ’23 will be our 50th. Wondering if I should try again..
Sorry your 40th didn’t work out. You never know, the 50th may be a milestone people want to attend even if it’s a small group.
Thrilled you attended! Looks like it was such a wonderful time. I have gone to some of my reunions but my class was so small and I had friends in other grades I was never seeing. So I am begging my school to do cluster reunions so I actually want to go. We shall see.
That sounds like a great idea, Lauren. Our school has alumni get togethers but I haven’t attended them because I didn’t want to drive.
I had a good time at mine in 2019. I wished I had more time to visit with more people.
My favorite bit was reconnecting with Cary. He thought he was pretty much in the background during HS. Everyone remembered him. He hadn’t changed a bit! Loved it.
I felt the same way about being able to talk to more people. I was expecting them to go around the table so everyone would hear about what each classmate had been up to, but they never got around to it. I think it would have been fun.
I had a great time too! I wish I could have gone to all of the reunions. I’m glad I was able to go to the 50th and see you and other close friends as well as the Facebook high school friends. I’m hoping we have a 55th reunion!!!
It was great to see you Lynda and hook up with everyone. I wish we had more time to mingle but it’s hard when you’re stuck in a seat. Still, it was lovely and I ate way too much!.
What a great post! Very poignant as the passage of time always is. You and your friends look great. I have my 50th coming up in a few years and haven’t decided if I’m going. I haven’t kept up with anyone.
Thanks, Laurie. I hadn’t kept up either other than Facebook but it was great seeing everyone in person.
I went to my 50th, mainly out of curiosity to see what happened to classmates. I did connect with girlfriends not seen in years and years, and that was fun. Hopefully we will keep in touch. On the sad side, was depressing to find out how many classmates passed away.
I know how you feel Meryl. I thought we were going to have a memorial poster at the reunion but we didn’t. However, I know many have gone to the great beyond.
Aloha from Honolulu,
My name is Marc and I’m lined up for my 50Th reunion on 20 Aug 2022 at the Ala Moana Hotel.
Wow, soooo many emotions running around in my head and heart.
Been to my 10th and 20th and sort of missed the 30th and 40th I think the 30th was in Las Vegas and I couldnt make that one.
What really has me wound up is the emotions of the whole thing, I mean after school I really didnt pay attention to where everyone is now and was over the years, most have a family some are divorced and some never made it this far having died off.
Why am I inundated with nostalgia for folks I never thought of over these many years?
I hung around with beer drinking girl chasing surfers one of which is still around, married with grown children and lives on Maui, we still talk every few weeks.
I’m shooting video at the reunion and shot b roll ( fill video to add to the main video ) video of the campus 2 weeks ago for a look back.
I’m real excited to go shoot my video and see all the folks I knew and didnt know.
But I cant help feeling somewhat depressed cause I never married and have no kids but I’m still kicking around eeking out a living here in Honolulu ( was born and raised here ) never left, been to some wonderful places in the greater 48 but never wanted to leave Hawaii.
Why all of a sudden do I feel the need to reconnect? One of my crushes is married with a 27 year old daughter and we have connected as pals on another crush is missing in action, cant find her at all…no obituaries, no hits on Google searches, I just dont know where she is or if she’s still alive…..Oh well….maybe a surprise awaits me there??????
At any rate time is the teller of all….perhaps I’m not supposed to know.
I look forward to the 50th after all how many 50 year reunions can we attend.
Maybe the nostalgia is bringing up my past failures or successes, lost loves, good jobs, nice places I’ve lived here in Honolulu.
Are there any blogs or other websites like this one?
Anyway Mahalo ( Hawaiian for thank you ) for reading this.
Aloha Niu Loa from Honolulu.
P.S. I say go to your reunions, you’ll never have the chance to go again, hey couldnt hurt right.
Hi Marc,
I hope you enjoy your 50th reunion. Ours was very small as, like you said, not everyone made it this far, some live too far away and others aren’t interested. It’s cool to see who shows up. I didn’t recognize hardly anyone except for the few I knew pretty well or followed on Facebook. We used to be separated into groups. Popular kids, artsy types, smart kids, etc. At the reunion we were all one.
A life in Hawaii couldn’t be all bad. Not everyone is destined to be married or be happily married. Many of my friends never had kids. But they had lots of freedom and did their own thing.
Good luck with your video. I’m sure the whole crowd will enjoy it.
Be well.