Surprisingly, this post has become very popular, meaning Baby Boomers are still horny. LOL! The topic is senior sex which is something we don’t often talk about out loud because it would embarrass our kids. If that makes you uncomfortable click on another post. Making love is part of life and just because we are older, doesn't mean we have to be dead in the bedroom, right? I … [Read more...]
Why Baby Boomers Must Be Concerned About STDs
As we age and establish ourselves in the world, some of our worries fade. We care less about our appearance, social status, finances, and so on. However, there are other concerns we don’t have the luxury of forgetting about. Nothing exemplifies this point better than the STD crisis affecting the Baby Boomer population. If this statement has you rolling your eyes, consider … [Read more...]
Actress Cheryl Hines Talks About Vulvar & Vaginal Atrophy
I interviewed Cheryl Hines, who is an Emmy nominated actress best known for her comedic starring roles in Curb Your Enthusiasm and Suburgatory. Cheryl was the spokeswoman for a campaign for AMAG Pharmaceuticals called “Painfully Awkward Conversations." It’s for post-menopausal women who may be experiencing VVA – Vulvar and Vaginal Atrophy. Dr. Marla Shapiro was also on … [Read more...]
3 Vaginal Health Tips For Women Over 40 | Dr. Tara Allmen
Dr. Tara Allmen, MD is the author of Menopause Confidential. She's a New York City gynecologist who specializes in vaginal health for women over 40. When I spoke to her, she gave me some enlightening tips for menopausal women. (which she says, never really ends) Her book is written with a sense of humor and has fun chapter names like: But it's also thoroughly … [Read more...]
Sex After Menopause: Tips on Sexual Maintenance
A while back I appeared on a webcast hosted by Vibrant Nation called Sex After Menopause. A group of women over 50, including me, participated in a panel with noted women's health expert Dr. Barb DePree M.D. In the video at the bottom of this post, you can watch our panel as we share stories, ask questions, and listen as Dr. DePree enlightened us about sex after menopause. … [Read more...]