Whether it's flu season, a pandemic, or bad air, one thing we want to avoid is respiratory disease, especially as seniors. Bad air or the beginning of a cold can cause you to have an itchy throat or a little cough. If you don't take care of it, it may develop into something worse, like bronchitis, or pneumonia. It can become more serious if we live in a polluted … [Read more...]
Terry Bradshaw Talks About Pneumococcal Pneumonia | Interview
I previously interviewed singer Patti La Belle who was then promoting the All About Your Boom™ campaign to spread awareness about pneumococcal pneumonia. If there’s one thing Baby Boomers don’t want is for the flu or other virus to turn into pneumonia. In the interview below, I talked to the former pro football player and now broadcaster Terry Bradshaw about the very same … [Read more...]
Patti LaBelle Chats About Preventing Pneumococcal Pneumonia | Interview
Pneumococcal Pneumonia is a disease every Baby Boomer needs to know about. That’s because people over the age of 65 are 13 times more at risk of being hospitalized for it than those who are 50 and younger. It’s also a major cause of death. A while back, I interviewed singer Patti LaBelle who had teamed up with Pfizer to bring awareness to the disease in a campaign. She is … [Read more...]
Tips for Seniors to Avoid Getting Bronchitis
I used to get Bronchitis all the time and it was awful. That meant struggling to breathe and having to take antibiotics. After my last bout, I was lucky for several years until one summer when my throat started to feel scratchy. Usually, when the weather is warm, colds and flu aren't very active so I was hoping it would go away. Unfortunately, it transformed into the … [Read more...]
Health Dangers Baby Boomers Must be Aware of as They Age
You'd think with all the technology today and scientific research, Baby Boomers would be poised to stay healthy for life. However, statistics prove we're less healthy than our parents were at our age. That's scary! It's important to be aware of health dangers that can affect us as we age. As Baby Boomers, we use more prescription drugs (thanks … [Read more...]