Social isolation is defined as a lack of social contacts and having few people to interact with regularly. During the pandemic people who networked or visited regularly with family or friends were restricted in their interactions causing many to lose touch for a while. There is a difference between loneliness and social isolation. When you are lonely, you are in fear or … [Read more...]
The Key Health Benefits of Cycling in Later Life
Physical activity often decreases as women get older, but there are more physical and mental health risks in women who are not active. Cycling is a great, low impact form of cardiovascular exercise ideal for those who want to lose some weight or those who want to lift their mood. Here are some of the health benefits associated with cycling that Baby Boomers … [Read more...]
How to Develop the Skill of Being Adaptable to Survive Life’s Challenges
We all go through hard times and as a Baby Boomer, you’ve probably experienced a challenge or two during your lifetime. Not everyone reacts to them the same way. Some people let their difficulties get the best of them and sink into depression or even suicide. Others go into panic mode and become physically ill. There are also those who are good at being adaptable and manage to … [Read more...]
Does the Winter Make You Feel SAD Now That You Are Older?
The cold weather months often bring feelings of sadness that aren't easily explained especially as we age. There is a medical term for this affliction called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short. It is common during the gloomy fall and winter months and is accompanied by feelings of hopelessness. Women experience this more often than men. We lose hours of daylight … [Read more...]