In one of our Best of Boomer Blogs, it was brought to light that there is Millennial hate out there. Some of our Boomer bloggers get angry comments from time to time from young people with an axe to grind. Others offer constructive criticism that is worth responding to. A news item on my phone mentioned habits that irritate Millennials, so I thought I would address … [Read more...]
Why do Women Have Affairs? Interview with Susan Shapiro Barash
Did you know that 70% of women will have an affair at some point in their marriage? It’s a stunning statistic. Author Susan Shapiro Barash has written a book about it called “A Passion for More: Affairs That Make or Break Us” about this phenomenon. I interviewed her. Watch our video interview! Click on the player below. Susan Shapiro Barish is the author of thirteen … [Read more...]
How to Survive the Holidays When You’re Stressed Out
The holidays are a difficult time of year for many people especially if they are undergoing obstacles that cause a great deal of stress. Even if your life is a bucket of roses, parties, shopping for gifts, and traveling can be overwhelming. You may have family members or friends staying at your house or may even be dealing with illness. Dr. Alyssa Dweck is a New York-based … [Read more...]
Do You Reading Less As You Get Older?
My mother was a voracious reader. She always had her nose in a book that she found at a library or garage sale. It didn’t matter what it was about, she would read it anyway. I’m not that way although I know many people who are. I loved to read when I was young, but now I find it harder to sit and be comfortable with a book as I get older. I had cataract surgery last year … [Read more...]
A Publisher’s Tips on How to Get Your Book Published
Everyone has a book inside of them, but many never get written. It is sometimes because the author doesn’t know how to get it published or how to promote it. I interviewed Sherry Ward, who is the CEO of Square Tree Publishing and is also a filmmaker. She helps authors get their books published “without the headache of self-publishing or giving up your royalties.” If you are … [Read more...]