I added PBS documentaries to my Amazon Prime subscription and watched a 2-part series called Citizen Hearst: American Experience. Other than Hearst Castle, Patty Hearst, and little from Citizen Kane, I didn’t know much about William Randolph Hearst. I’m a huge sucker for documentaries because I am a history geek and Hearst was quite a character. He was one of the first … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Tra La!
Spring is such an unpredictable season. In some places, the weather is perfect. In others, it’s either starting to get summer hot or it’s freezing cold. Our Best of Boomer Bloggers are enjoying it in their own ways and writing down their thoughts in this week’s roundup. Caregiving someone who is sick When someone we love is sick, sometimes we aren't sure exactly how to … [Read more...]
Start a Blog Over 50 in 2025: Here is How
I've been a blogger since 2008 and I love what I do. Blogging is creative, and fun, keeps me mentally alert, and makes me extra money. As a single woman and a Baby Boomer, having extra income is important. The money I make from blogging is fairly passive. It ka-chings while I sleep . . . literally! Is blogging dead? Certainly not! A blog is your personal real estate on … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Getting Into the Holiday Spirit
Our Baby Boomer bloggers are deep into thinking about the holidays with only 2 weeks left until Christmas. They are discussing shopping ideas, food, and spending money. But the ever-present COVID situation is still in the background causing us to tweak how we celebrate. So, let’s first address the elephant in the room or the elf on the shelf Tom from Sightings Over Sixty … [Read more...]
Shifting Shorelines: Messages From a Wiser Self: Book Review
I was in South Florida for a week, so it seemed appropriate that I read a book called Shifting Shorelines: Messages From a Wiser Self while I was on the plane coming from Los Angeles. The book takes place on one of the Barrier Islands near the Florida Keys and is a reflection by 70-ish author Terry Helwig on her life’s journey and how she relates to the nature around her. I … [Read more...]