Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck are two physical therapists from Minnesota who have become well known for their popular YouTube channel “Bob and Brad.” They offer advice about physical therapy, exercise, pain relief, and injury prevention. The duo also sells a line of products for at-home physical therapy that includes massage tools, posture correctors, exercise equipment, and … [Read more...]
Best Drug-Free Pain Relief Devices for Seniors 2025
If you are a senior over 50, chances are you have experienced aches and pains in some form. At-home therapeutic pain relief devices are often sold to athletes, but they can also benefit older people. Products abound in this category, but here are a few you may want to try. TENS therapy is a method of pain relief that uses a mild electrical current. TENS stands for … [Read more...]
The Best At-Home Beauty Devices for Older Women for 2025
I get introduced to a ton of beauty devices that promise to smooth out wrinkles, add collagen to your skin, aid in hair loss, and other cosmetic concerns. They are meant to use at home but some are better than others. A beauty device is often a wand or gadget that you charge up and use on your face. Several kinds of at-home therapeutic devices can be used to achieve these … [Read more...]
How to Ease Age Related Aches and Pains
Have you ever had aches and pains occur for absolutely no reason? This can be a daily occurrence as we get older. Sometimes, you may feel pain in one part of your body and then it moves to another part the next day. This is all part of aging but it can also be frustrating. I’m not a doctor and only know what has worked for me to relieve everyday aches and pains. If they are … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Develop a Workout Routine Over 50
Maintaining a workout routine when you are over 50 can help you improve your longevity and your health. Physical activity is also a mental health and confidence booster that keeps you in a good mood and happy about your appearance. Despite the many benefits of regular exercise, some middle-aged and older adults don’t have a fitness routine. Staying idle is easy Many … [Read more...]