A jolt of fear shot through me when I saw her slumped against a gym wall. Checking her pulse and her forehead, I asked what my 60 plus-year-old personal client had done. She said that after her exhausting workout, she had decided to practice a HIIT routine, on the treadmill. “I read about it last night on the internet,” she had explained. “It was supposed to burn more … [Read more...]
Effective Ways To Beat The Symptoms Of Menopause Naturally
As many as 1.3 million women become menopausal each year in the United States. Once you hit middle age, it’s quite common to start experiencing the physical symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats, poor sleep, fatigue, and hot flashes, as well as changes to your emotional state, including low mood, depression, and anxiety. Some menopausal women experience only … [Read more...]
Does Social Media Affect Your Self Esteem as an Older Woman?
If you’re reading this blog, chances are you are on other social media sites. Baby Boomers and others over 50 are much more tech-savvy than younger people think. We’re on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and even TikTok. But it can also do a number on our self-esteem. Trevor Noah did a hilarious video called How Social Media Filters Are Destroying Our Mental Health. In many … [Read more...]
Alternative Housing Options for Single Older Women
It is said that home is where the heart is. But now more than ever, our lives are increasingly mobile, and home does not necessarily mean what it used to. “Home” may not be that stable touchstone it once was, the place where decades — and even whole generations — of memories were made. Indeed, perhaps now more than ever, the only constant is change. And for single women of … [Read more...]
3 Healthy Aging Tips for Women Over 50
Health and wellness should be top of mind for every woman as you age. The habits you practice when you’re younger will directly affect you as you grow older, which is why you should start practicing healthy aging habits and a self-care routine sooner rather than later. The second half of your life can hold some of your most rewarding experiences and you want to be in your … [Read more...]