Meet Saba (p. Sayba) and Babs, the Classic Bikini Divas and hosts of the hilarious show “Never Too Old, Never Too Late" on TubiTV. Saba is 78 and Babs is 66 and they both can rock bikinis like no one’s business. Watch our hilarious interview below: They’ve been members of the film industry for decades as actors, stand-up comediennes, writers, and producers. When they … [Read more...]
How Seniors Can Fight Off Flu Season
We learned much about staying safe and healthy after the pandemic and we can use what we've learned to stay well during the annual flu season. The flu never takes the year off so we must always be vigilant about our health. Here are a few simple but effective lifestyle changes you can make in preparation for flu season. Try to Stay Active Get More Sleep Balance … [Read more...]
7 Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better as You Age
There are lots of things you can do to improve your health as you get older. You can run a marathon, become a vegan, or vow to never spend time in the sun again. Luckily, you don’t have to go to such drastic measures to feel your best. Putting your health first also does not require you to jump on the latest fad diet or beauty treatment bandwagon. Quick fixes or treatments … [Read more...]
What Seniors Learned about Productivity After the Pandemic
The lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for many of us. But, of course, we've learned a lot, as well, too. Although there were apparent pressures, involving especially our health and family members, many of us have thrived. Some individuals were able to communicate more with their kids or grandchildren. But they also took more time to take care of … [Read more...]
How Owning a Pet as a Senior Will Keep You Happy and Healthy
One of the many joys in life is owning a pet. 68% of U.S. households include at least one pet, which means there are well over 160 million pets in this country. Of course, it's not hard to see why. Pets, small and big, offer a number of positive benefits to a person’s day-to-day life, including companionship, physical activity, and stress relief — to name a few. Many studies … [Read more...]