Pneumococcal Pneumonia is a disease every Baby Boomer needs to know about. That’s because people over the age of 65 are 13 times more at risk of being hospitalized for it than those who are 50 and younger. It’s also a major cause of death. A while back, I interviewed singer Patti LaBelle who had teamed up with Pfizer to bring awareness to the disease in a campaign. She is … [Read more...]
Homemade Bone Broth with Chicken and Vegetables
The reason chicken soup is considered to be Jewish penicillin is partly that it's made with bone broth. There are so many health benefits from cooking down bones for hours to extract all their goodness. I added protein and vegetables to this homemade bone broth recipe and turned it into a rich and nutritious soup. Enjoy this recipe! The benefits of drinking bone … [Read more...]
Norman Lloyd: Party Conversations with the Centenarian Actor
For several years, I attended an outdoor 4th of July gathering in Hollywood where we would eat BBQ and drink Sangria. The first time we went, I sat next to an elderly man who was regaling the other guests with stories of old Hollywood. He looked familiar but I couldn’t quite place him at first. Suddenly, I realized he was Norman Lloyd, and actor who had starred in the TV show … [Read more...]
How to Find Your True Self Over 50 – Who Are You?
Have you ever asked yourself - "Who is my true self?" It's a mysterious question because some of us have no idea who we are really are. I was at a conference and one of our speakers was Nia Peeples. She’s an actress best known for her part as “Nicole” in the TV series “Fame.” Nia talked about the process she's been going through to re-brand herself. Throughout her … [Read more...]
Actress Julie Cobb: On Midlife Career Reinventions
I attended a women’s networking group and our guest speaker was Julie Cobb. She’s the daughter of actor Lee J. Cobb and actress Helen Beverly. Julie is an actress herself with extensive credits. She played the part of Yeoman Leslie Thompson in the original Star Trek series. If you're a Trekkie, you will remember she wore a red dress and transformed to … [Read more...]