Growing older isn’t for sissies, that’s for sure. Despite all the beauty creams and anti-aging regimes, we slather on our face, gnarly reminders on our skin make us realize we’re no longer the twenty-year-old cutie pie we once were.

That’s not to say you can’t be “hot” when you are a senior . . . and I’m not referring to hot flashes.
It’s not always easy to feel attractive when long random hairs start bursting out of your chin, or ugly skin tags form like creepy crawlers in the crevices on your neck, underarms, and uh um. . . elsewhere. Suddenly, you feel like the Wicked Witch of the West has taken over your body and you can’t do anything about it.
If you’re rich, you can fight back with laser guns, peels, plastic surgery, and even Photoshop. But, most of us have to suck it up and deal with those eyesores on the cheap.
Have you had to deal with these as an older woman?
- Chin Hairs
- Double Chins
- Skin Tags
- Moles
- Foot Fungus
- Double Chins
- Corns
- Warts
- Liver Spots
- Cracked heels
- Red broken blood vessels
- Varicose veins
- Missing eyebrows
Since I’m not a doctor, I’m not going to speculate on what causes those stubborn “abominations” to show up or tell you how to remedy them. Most are benign but definitely annoying. They graffiti our once smooth bodies and we can’t help but grit our teeth.
Was there something we did in our youth that’s turning us into Uncle Fester?
We’ll never really know.
All we can do is get them checked to make sure they aren’t dangerous and then do whatever we can to fix or hide them. Or . . . bite the bullet and call them one of the badges of age.
Sorry, but I don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
What gnarly indignities of growing older irk you? Please leave a comment below.
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