Age is a funny thing. How old do you have to be before you get only one polite candle on a birthday cupcake? Is it time to grin and quote Robert Osborne, “my age and my phone number are both unlisted?” You can change it! Do a little math and you’re in the forties . . . not including the summers. How about celebrating your 40th birthday for the 28th time? You can be … [Read more...]
What do Women Over 60 Want in Life?
If you are a member of the Baby Boomer generation, you are in your 60s or 70s. As a woman of this age, you have experienced the ups and downs of life that may have affected how you feel about relationships, health, family, or finances. I’m sure you have had wonderful times but experienced challenging moments, It’s all part of this great journey we call life, right? Now that … [Read more...]
How to Stop Feeling Invisible As a Woman Over 50
When we were growing up in the 1960s and 70s women were just beginning to become visible in terms of being independent and successful. Before that, they were June Cleaver housewives who obeyed their husband’s every word. A few had careers or worked full time because they had to, but most remained invisible and saw themselves as second fiddle to men. All that changed when the … [Read more...]
How To Play Guitar Over 50 By Using Good Habits
You should never be deterred from learning a new skill. Fresh skills and good habits can be mastered at any age.My name is Lee and I’ve been playing guitar for over 25 years. It came about purely through needing an escape from my frantic life.Playing guitar for me is certainly a form of meditation. I couldn’t be without it.Let's look at very simple ways to get you playing … [Read more...]
How to Apply Your Superpowers Toward a Good Cause In Retirement | Book
Retirement is a lovely time. Being with friends, starting new hobbies, traveling. It is also a time when you can focus attention on a cause important to you. So, why not apply your superpowers to the cause closest to your heart? Yes, you have superpowers. Everyone has them. They may not be as cool as spidey senses or telekinesis, but they can be a powerful force for … [Read more...]