Social connection is a key to longevity among centenarians. Most of them have a circle of family and friends they see on a regular basis in person who support them. Friends on Facebook or Instagram don’t really count. I admit staying connected with lifelong friends and family hasn’t been easy for me as I tend to be a loner. Some of the people I know may not see me that way … [Read more...]
If You Love Mind Games You Will Love
I have been trying out the games on a website called It literally has hundreds of free games you can play to while away the time. Playing games can be relaxing and brain-stimulating, which is something we need as we get older to fend off dementia. I’ll be honest and say I have never been much of a gamer and some of the games on the site are a little … [Read more...]
An Author Remembers the Summer of 1963 in His New Book
“Better Be Home When The Streetlights Come On: Remembering the Summer of 1963” is a book by Ron Baklarz In this post, the author writes describes what the book is about and why he wrote it. If you are like me, I watch the news and see what is going on in the world today and I wonder what is going on. It seems everything that was once considered bad is now good and … [Read more...]
Why You Should Start Blue Zoning for Better Health and Longevity
I wrote a post about Tips to Live to a Ripe Old Age but then watched a five-part series called “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” with Dan Buettner on Netflix. I’ve been fascinated by the Blue Zones and his writings ever since I started this blog in 2012. If you haven’t seen the series yet, I highly recommend it. I’ve written many posts on the topic of longevity as … [Read more...]
How the Japanese Concept of Ikigai Can Add Purpose and Balance to Your Life
I originally wrote this post about the Japanese concept of Ikigai on Sixty and Me but wanted to repost it here as I feel it is important to improving one's quality of life and longevity. Are you doing what you love and have a purpose that propels you to get up in the morning and pursue it? It’s believed that having a reason for being will extend your longevity and help you … [Read more...]