It’s June and life is getting back to normal, as best it can after our devasting pandemic. Mask mandates have been lifted in most areas and people are getting out and about. Here in Los Angeles, the indoor mandate will be lifted next week but we can go mask-free outside and breathe fresh air and enjoy the summer fun.
It’s funny how the little things in life can bring you joy. For instance, my roommates and I went to a movie theatre last week to watch a film! That normally wouldn’t be a big deal but as theatres have been shut down for a year and a half, it was thrilling. And even more thrilling, I braved the subway twice to get to doctor appointments.
I’m also back to my morning walking routine and usually hit the streets around 6:30 am before it gets hot. At 9 am my roommates and I work out watching an over 50 exercise channel we like on YouTube.
Anyone traveling yet?
Tom from Sightings Over Sixty has ventured out and reports on what it’s like to fly these days . . . and in P as in Phoenix what you’ll phind if you phly to Phoenix to visit phamily.
Okay, Tom was getting a little silly there.
I’m planning a trip to Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende with my daughter at the end of July and can’t wait.
Taking time for reflection
So often we let little frustrations get to us – being stuck in traffic, a cold, rainy day, the empty milk container. But once in a while, a moment comes that gives a breathtaking, bird’s eye view of our lives. It makes us grateful, even feel blessed. This happened to Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles recently when she had dinner with her mom at Centro, a favorite Italian eatery in Fairfield, Connecticut
It’s amazing how time flies. Every time I see my 50 something younger brother on Facebook, I remember that I used to change his diapers.
But sometimes stress finds it’s way in, especially when it comes to finances
While consumers paid off record-setting amounts of credit card debt in 2020, credit card spending is expected to increase in 2021. Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, offers tips on what to do to if your credit card debts increase this year.
I’m hoping my credit card balances will magically go away. Oh, well, one can dream.
Getting the old pipes cleaned
To enjoy the summer fun, you want to keep up with your health, right? Last week I had a routine colonoscopy. It’s always been on the top of my least favorite things to do Luckily, it all turned out well. Read my story here. I promise it isn’t yucky.
Gremlins at it again
One of our Best of Boomer bloggers, Carol Cassara, had to skip the roundup this week because Gremlins wreaked havoc on her blog. I feel her pain because that happened to me a while back. She’ll be back soon.
Have a fun and amazing summer!
Always fun to read everyone’s posts. Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks, Laurie. I agree.