It’s that time again! This week the Best of Boomer Blogs Blog posts are hosted on We rotate to each other's blogs once a week and have been doing so for years. It’s wonderful that our group has persisted while others have fallen off and gone on to do other things. This week a few of our members are experiencing stress about what is going on in the world … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: We Are Still Going Strong
Sometime in 2015, I believe, I attended a blogging conference for Midlife Women in Nashville, Tennessee. I have been blogging since about 2008, and in this blog since the end of 2011. Miraculously, I still love it! It was at that conference that I met an amazing group of women writers, many of whom I am still connected to online. Some of them were part of a Boomer blogging … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: We Made it to New Year 2024
Our Baby Boomer bloggers are grateful for thriving in the year 2024. I celebrated my milestone birthday of 70 in December and many other Boomers have also reached their 7th decade. It’s hard to believe sometimes because I don’t feel old in any way unless I overdo something and feel the pain. Our bloggers have been writing this week about how they feel entering the New Year. … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Thanksgiving and Wishing for Peace
The year has whizzed by so fast. It’s already the week of Thanksgiving and it's time to be grateful for all the good things in our lives. This has been a rough year with brutal and barbaric fighting in Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, and other places in the world. We must all hope and pray for peace. It is hard to imagine a major war in our own backyard but we are lucky to live in … [Read more...]
How A Pair of Letter-Writing Dogs Helped Me Cope with Grief
My relationship with my mother was the greatest relationship of my life. I knew it when it was happening. And both my first and second husbands knew it. I always said my mother was the woman I wanted to grow up to be. She would say: “Just grow up.” When my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly in her 70s after knee replacement surgery, all I wanted was more time with her. … [Read more...]