Retirement is supposed to be an enjoyable, stress-free time in your life. You worked hard, put in your time, and were smart with your money so that you could spend your remaining years doing what you really enjoy. But even with a good amount of savings, you may worry if you can stay solvent once you no longer have your main source of income to rely on. Fortunately, just … [Read more...]
Jewish Holiday Gifts That Will Tickle Your Funnybone
Several years ago, I met two funny Jewish sisters, Davida and Sybil, at a networking event. They have a business called Davida Aprons and sell Jewish gifts like matzah-themed tchotchkes, aprons, and other kitsch décor items always with a sense of humor. They’re both Baby Boomers and have been in business since 1980. Celebrating Passover, Hanukkah, or having an event? – … [Read more...]
Why Baby Boomers Are Becoming Entrepreneurs Instead of Retiring
For decades, seniors who have reached retirement age have retired and claimed their Social Security benefits. However, a change in our retirement age has prompted Baby Boomers to seek out an alternative option: Becoming entrepreneurs, rather than enjoying a traditional retirement. The Changing Retirement Age This shift in approach to retirement is partly due to the fact … [Read more...]
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs | Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month and I attended an event called “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.” The event took place at the VEDC (Valley Economic Development Center) and was hosted by Travelers Insurance, a company that provides insurance for small businesses. The VEDC is a non-profit organization in Los Angeles that helps small businesses grow and receive capital. They have … [Read more...]