I interviewed Laura Lynn Morrisey, founder of a website called SilverSavvy.com. It’s a shopping website with experts and information that caters to older people.
Watch our video interview here.
Below are highlights from our interview.
Laura Lynn says: “We are all getting older and there is a lot of information out there and perceptions about older people that I don’t think are correct.”
“I’m 60 and I don’t feel like I’m 60 and don’t want to be treated like I’m 60.”
Laura grew up in financial services with major companies and built a reputation in customer service. She was out in front of customers, knew how to listen to them, and how to get them what they needed.
As she got older, she found herself taking care of her parents. Despite having a demanding career in Los Angeles, she had to deal with those issues. She felt she could do a better job than what was going on in the health and homecare businesses. She left financial services and started a home care company in the Boston area where she grew up.
She noticed that many senior’s voices were being muffled for various reasons. Because of this, she became an advocate. Later, she sold her company but felt she needed to do more. She started Silver Savvy with the idea of celebrating getting older and wanted to bring forth the educational resources that she had learned over the years of working in homecare.
This included Medicare, long-term care insurance, VA benefits, what it’s like to be older, and how older people want to be treated. The website focuses on people over 60 and the daughters and daughters-in-law who care for aging parents.
Seniors can benefit from the website no matter what stage of life they are in or what is going on with them healthwise.
Silver Savvy offers active living, adaptive equipment, wellness, and fitness products.
Laura Lynn described how she was a workaholic in her younger years and wasn’t focusing on self-care or taking care of herself as much. As she has delved into her new journey, she’s learning from others how to live well and positively as a senior.
She has found several things that determine how to live a well-lived life. They include:
- Believing in something greater than yourself.
- Taking care of your body.
- Having a purpose and reason to get up each morning.
- Being in a positive environment and around people who love you.
Laura Lynn referenced my interview with Elaine LaLanne and how she maintains a positive outlook despite chronic pain in her late 90s.
Watch our video to listen to our back-and-forth about life and aging.
Types of products on Silver Savvy
When Laura Lynn worked in home care, she learned what was needed for seniors returning to a home environment living with loved ones. She helped families set up their homes for acute care, hospital-to-home, rehabilitation, or to stay independent.
She also learned what products worked the best. The site also includes products that are unrelated to homecare. Families she was working with went on Amazon and tried to plow through all the product choices, so she wanted to make it easier for them.
One way she does this is to guide them on specific topics such as “What are the 20 Things You Need if You Are Going into Assisted Living.” Or, “Are You Starting Hiking? Here Are the Products That Worked for Me.” (Shoes, hat, watch, etc.)
The products on the website are appropriate for people over 60 no matter what stage they are in. Some deal with memory issues and there are specific wellness products that will help alleviate some of those symptoms.
She also helps those who are embarrassed to buy certain types of equipment. It’s easy to fall over 60 so she recommends safety equipment for the home to prevent that. Another category is fitness products that are appropriate and safe for seniors.
Silver Savvy offers consultations for several topics such as long-term care insurance which Laura Lynn has extensive experience in, selecting a home care company and asking the right questions, and fitness training in functional aging to stay strong and safe doing daily tasks.
A website and service whose time has come for some of us.
Yes, it is. Pretty inventive.
Rebecca, thank you for this information. Never heard of the website but will check it out. Much needed.
I hope it proves to be valuable. Thanks, Meryl.