Once you are older, it’s not unusual to contemplate how to live your purpose as a way to leave a legacy when you’re gone. You may have worked for years at a job, are retired, or about to retire. You may have re-invented yourself several times and never stuck to one thing long enough to be successful. Or you dedicated a huge portion of time taking care of others.

The good news is; your life is still far from being over. Now is not the time to sit in the waiting room like Beetlejuice. Instead, embrace your newfound freedom from your job, kids, or parents, and relish the time you have left. I choose to be a connoisseur of life.
To live your purpose, ask yourself the following questions:

- What, beyond anything, is most important to you?
- What activity or pursuit makes you want to smile?
- What made you the happiest when you were very young that you’d love to be part of again?
- What aspect of your past career gave you the most fulfillment that you would like to continue with into the future?
- What’s missing in your life that would make you feel more satisfied and joyful? (Besides money or fame)
- What skills are you best at that you enjoy doing?
- What types of pursuits excite and motivate you to take on as a challenge?
- What do you like to do that enables you to feel creative and inspired?
- Is there a special talent or skill that you’ve pushed to the wayside in the past that you’d still like to hone?
- What’s on your bucket list that you absolutely must do before you aren’t able to anymore?
- What have you been putting off doing, for whatever reason, that you passionately want to do?
- In what way would you like to change the world for the better that would give you the most joy and satisfaction?
- How would you like people to remember you the most after you’re gone?
It’s best to physically write the questions and answers down in a dedicated notebook. There’s something about writing in longhand, as opposed to printing and typing, that connects you more intensely to your subconscious. By writing down your answers, it’s like you’re Googling your brain to figure out how you’ll accomplish your goals and do live your purpose.
Next, strategize how you will achieve your goals
We live longer and healthier lives than ever before. There’s no reason to sit on the sidelines and watch the world go by. Retirement is only the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life.

The worst thing you can do is let time slip by mindlessly doing mediocre tasks or being complacent.
You may think you need lots of money to pursue your passions and live your purpose. You don’t. You can be fulfilled no matter how much money you have. Don’t hang onto things you don’t need. Downsize and simplify your life to focus on what’s most important to you.
Guilt may also hold you back from achieving your full potential. Women, especially, feel they need to put everyone else first and become martyrs. It’s important to take time for yourself, whether it’s only an hour a day, and focus on what’s truly important to you. Then, take action.
It’s easy to spread yourself too thin and then wonder why your life isn’t turning out the way you’d like. One of my goals is to travel the world. I was speaking to another blogger who travels all the time, many times hosted by a sponsor. I asked him how he was able to make that happen. He said you have to write about it. Once you start writing and sharing what you want to do, it will attract those who will help make it happen.
Set a clear intention to live your purpose and focus your actions toward it without distractions. You may find you have to give up other activities that don’t serve your purpose.
In summary:
- Answer the questions above in longhand and let your hand freely write the answers.
- Downsize and simplify your life so that you’re able to focus more clearly on working toward your goal to live your purpose.
- Never feel guilty about it.
Become a connoisseur of life, live your purpose and fulfill your true potential. We all have a lot more living to do. Make the rest of your life the best it can be.
What are you passionate about and what steps will you take to live your purpose? Leave a comment below to set your intention.
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