The year has whizzed by which seems to happen more when you’re older. I’m not sure why that is, or maybe it’s just me. Our Best of Boomer Bloggers are getting ready for Thanksgiving, holiday shopping, and dealing with life in general. Most of all we are grateful for our readers because you are what keep us writing our blogs and publishing them every week. Some of our members … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: October Thoughts
I love October. The heat of the summer has lessened as much as it can in Los Angeles, and funny as well as scary decorations are appearing on people’s lawns. It’s also a time to celebrate the harvest whether it’s wine, pumpkins, or corn stalks. I'll drink to that. Our Baby Boomer Bloggers are reflecting on what's happening around them and how they are feeling these days. You … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Family and Home
It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. Do the days go by faster now that we're older? Our Best of Boomer Bloggers have been mulling over family issues good and bad and things that are close to home. Let's start with what can go on in a family Something different and thought-provoking over at Carol's blog this week...a thought provoking discussion of justice and … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: July Ramblings
We are officially in the summertime of 2022 and the July 4th weekend. It’s a time for picnics, fireworks, and time with friends and family. As women, many of us feel that some of the freedom we are supposed to be celebrating has been lost over the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe vs Wade. No matter how you personally feel about the decision, it was a precedent that held for 50 … [Read more...]
Best of Boomer Blogs: Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Tra La!
Spring is such an unpredictable season. In some places, the weather is perfect. In others, it’s either starting to get summer hot or it’s freezing cold. Our Best of Boomer Bloggers are enjoying it in their own ways and writing down their thoughts in this week’s roundup. Caregiving someone who is sick When someone we love is sick, sometimes we aren't sure exactly how to … [Read more...]