Sometime in 2015, I believe, I attended a blogging conference for Midlife Women in Nashville, Tennessee. I have been blogging since about 2008, and in this blog since the end of 2011. Miraculously, I still love it! It was at that conference that I met an amazing group of women writers, many of whom I am still connected to online.
Some of them were part of a Boomer blogging group we call “Best of Boomer Blogs.” I became a member several years ago and we share our posts on each other’s blogs each week. Some members have come and gone for various reasons, but we still have a core group going. It’s amazing!
Who said Boomers know nothing about the online world? We invented the Internet, remember?
This week we have fewer bloggers as one of our members has decided to quit writing her blog. It happens and we will miss her. Another is updating her blog and it’s down at the moment.
If you are a Baby Boomer blogger who would like to join us, let us know. We always love to collaborate with others who are part of our generation.
Carol Cassara
The older we get, the more we see that much of our lives is about memory, Carol Cassara tells us over on her blog. The only constant is change. Read about it in Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.
Rita R. Robison
Is customer service getting even worse? If you get a customer service representative who’s terrible, ask to speak to his or her supervisor, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Robison had difficulty when she talked to a Comcast rep, who didn’t have the authority to lower her bill, but when he finally agreed to connect her to a supervisor, she had success. Read her post about it here.
Meryl Baer
Extended phone conversations with old friends result in memories long forgotten. The cold weather and a couple of snowy days found Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life wrapped in a blanket on her couch, in conversation with old friends now scattered around the country. She shares some of her childhood experiences in this week’s post, Musings on Growing Up a Mid-20th Century Girl.
And as for me
Whenever I don’t write something new during the week, I share a recipe. This one is for Baked Oatmeal Balls with Cocoa. I saw a German video about it on YouTube, made a few adjustments, and figured out the U.S. Standard measurements for them. I have been baking up a batch and then eating two oatmeal balls for breakfast every day with a little jam. They’re yummy!
Making oatmeal from scratch can be messy. This recipe is easier and more fun to eat.
That blogging conference really was responsible for a lot of friendships
Yes, it was. I miss it.