It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. Do the days go by faster now that we’re older? Our Best of Boomer Bloggers have been mulling over family issues good and bad and things that are close to home.
Let’s start with what can go on in a family
Something different and thought-provoking over at Carol’s blog this week…a thought provoking discussion of justice and extenuating circumstances in “How Right or Wrong Isn’t Straightforward, Even in Murder“
And then straight to the opposite
Every extended family has that one relative. The one who welcomes, encourages and loves.
The one everybody wants to hover around.
Let’s get sporty
This week Tom from Sightings Over Sixty serves up his post It’s That Time of Year Again. What do you think he’s talking about? Hint: it’s not about going back to school, and it’s not about the change of seasons.
Happily ever after and into eternity
Ever seen something your whole life, but never thought of its meaning till it was gone? This happened to Laurie when her mom took off her wedding ring after 65 years. Her mother had injured her finger and before it became too swollen, removed her plain silver band and wrapped it in tissue paper. She now keeps it in a safe deposit box. Thinking about that simple piece of jewelry, Laurie realized it taught her three important lessons about marriage…
After the family goes home after summer
It is the end of August and a bit of sadness reigns as summer fades. The kids have returned home, and Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin can reclaim her house. Vacationers still pack cafes and restaurants and cause traffic jams, and locals can’t wait to see them disappear and get their town back. Meryl laments the end of summer but looks forward to a quieter season in this week’s post.
Cleaning up the garden
If yard work isn’t your thing, make a basic plan to protect your home, fences, and trees from damage, recommends Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Ivy and vines can cause damage and as can bushes and hedges too close to your home or fence.
And as for me
I am trying to grow my YouTube channel @BabyBoomster.
What a cool variety of things going on in our lives!
So true, Carol.
Thank you, Rebecca! Nice job.
Thanks, Laurie.